about me

I paint with oil and cold wax. I love the tactile nature of the wax and the vibrant colors of oil paint; mixing the two creates a thick, rich medium that reminds me of finger painting as a child. I love digging into a painting, scraping out shapes and lines, covering it and repeating it again, until I like what emerges. Unlimited layers add depth and a quality of history that feels deep and alchemical.

More than anything, my paintings remind me of dreams. Dreams have served as an invaluable mentor to me. They comfort me, they inspire me, and sometimes, they scare me. I never know what to expect.. Like dreams, I find the process of painting to be cryptic, changeable and a wild ride. Oftentimes, a shape or visage will appear out of nowhere, which surprises and delights me.

A blank canvas offers a wide gamut of possibilities. I never know where a painting is going when I start. Will it reveal itself immediately or will I be painting blind for weeks before it knows what it wants to be? It requires an openness and a deep listening. I cannot be too bossy or the muse withdraws and I am left frustrated, the fool, caught by her delusion of control. This is my cue to laugh and move on.

When I get submerged into a painting, I am all in. I wake up thinking about the painting. I carry it throughout the day in my mind’s back room, just like a dream, which is familiar territory for me. In my “former life” I worked as a psychotherapist, specializing in working with the unconscious, through dreams, meditation, subtle realms of consciousness and the body. There is an art to working with the unconscious; it requires the patience to navigate murky territory with a light touch. If you grasp a dream too tightly it vanishes, just like the creative impulse while painting. I find this both enticing and exasperating at times. The not knowing- the mystery-this keeps me hooked. It keeps me painting.

I live in Boulder, Colorado with my husband David and our four-legged Floki. In my free time, I like to hike the hills of Boulder, dance, ride my e-bike and spend time with friends and family.

Many of my paintings are available for your home or office. Please contact me if you are interested or if you have any questions.


phone 720-363-5942

email me here

boulder, CO

More than anything, my paintings remind me of dreams.



Contact me for purchasing a painting.